Tuesday 19 October 2010

Future Languages

Everyone keeps on talking about the future, but has anyone ever thought about the language we speak in the future? In the past there was Old English which sounds like gibberish to us, but Middle English sounds a bit familiar to us.
 Maybe a powerful country like: U.S.A, China or maybe Russia will take over the world and we will have to speak their language just like what the Germans did to the Anglo Saxons.

 Or maybe since people all over the world chat to each other using the internet, maybe we'll speak one big international language. Languages are mainly influenced by a number of invasions. The English language was originally Gaelic, but then after a series of invasions it turned into a Latin, Germanic English language

Some people think that half of the world's languages will be extinct or dead by 2100. Some of the dead languages now are used as sacred languages such as Latin and Coptic. The Coptic language was replaced by Arabic in Egypt and the  Latin language was replaced by Italian in Italy.